It is my pleasure to present the 2023 “Dr. Allen G. Blezek Friend of LEAD Award.” The Nebraska LEAD Alumni Association presents this very prestigious award annually, to an individual or organization who has a distinguished history of providing outstanding support to the Nebraska LEAD Program.
Once again, it may be fitting to give you a little background on this award. For several years, the Nebraska LEAD Alumni Association had talked about a way to recognize our long time Nebraska LEAD Program Director and friend, the now late Dr. Allen Blezek for his many years of outstanding and distinguished service to our program. It was decided that one of the highest tributes that we could pay to him would be to present an annual award in his honor to someone who has provided distinguished service and superior support to the Nebraska LEAD Program.
Beginning in the spring of 1999, the Nebraska LEAD Alumni Association determined that it would be most fitting to present the award to none other than Dr. Blezek. For 2023, it is my pleasure to present this 24th award of recognition to an individual who has played a very critical role in supporting the Nebraska LEAD Program and who has provided tremendous leadership for the Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources and the University of Nebraska-Lincoln for the past 13 years.
The 2023 award goes to Chancellor Ronnie Green of the University of Nebraska-Lincoln.
Ronnie D. Green is the 20th chancellor of the University of Nebraska–Lincoln. He was appointed as chancellor on April 6, 2016, and assumed the duties of the office on May 8, 2016.
In July 2010, Ronnie was appointed as the Harlan Vice Chancellor of the UNL Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources and Vice President for Agriculture and Natural Resources of the University of Nebraska system.
Ronnie and his best friend Jane are the parents of four children, all graduates of, or enrolled at, the University of Nebraska–Lincoln. Collectively, members of the Green family hold or are pursuing a total of 15 University of Nebraska–Lincoln degrees.
Soon after Ronnie began his duties as IANR Vice Chancellor in July of 2010, he began to focus on becoming acquainted with all of the programs on East Campus so as to gain as full an appreciation for the breadth and depth of IANR and its people as possible. This included an early morning breakfast conversation with Terry to learn about LEAD, its history, programming and impact. Ronnie’s vision for IANR around the core areas of focus: food, fuel, water, and people created a level of excitement on campus and across our state not seen for a while. He created a spark within so many of us as we began dreaming about the about the possibilities of taking University’s programs to new levels of excellence and reach across our state and beyond. Ronnie truly inspired a shared vision! His support was very evident from the beginning as LEAD and Terry were included in the strategic planning discussions referred to as “Innovating Agriculture and Natural Resources to 2025.” Just being included in these discussions was important for the LEAD Program. Finally, we were not feeling like an outsider or distant relative within the IANR family. What was most significant during his time as IANR Vice Chancellor was that LEAD was never used as pawn in the budget reduction discussions. Ronnie showed his support for LEAD when he shared with the NALC Board, “This is a very important program and they are doing a superb job. The future of Nebraska agriculture and its communities is directly linked to how well equipped people are to think about the world and the future. LEAD is a tremendous program for delivering on that need and I certainly see it every day when I continue to meet and interact with LEAD alumni and current participants.” During his time as Vice Chancellor, Ronnie met with the first year class during their kick-off seminar and then followed up with them in their second year during the IANR seminar. He wanted to get to know the LEAD Fellows and the issues and challenges they were facing in agriculture as well as in their communities. As he shared, “I would like to be more involved in the future with the LEAD group as I do find it to be an energizer. Let’s grab lunch sometime to catch up and talk about how that might be possible.” Ronnie made time in his schedule to meet and interact with the LEAD classes. He always ended those sessions with, “Have a great LEAD experience, have fun, and challenge Terry.” Ronnie also attended NALC Board meetings on a regular basis to meet the board and learn about LEAD governance. With Ronnie as Vice Chancellor, the culture of fund raising in IANR with regard to LEAD changed as he shared this with Terry after speaking at the 2011 LEAD Banquet, “I also want you to know that whenever there is opportunity to support the program or look for additional ways to build it, I am all about that. In the past there has been too much territorialism of worrying about competition for funding opportunities within IANR. I do not think that way at all and want you to know it. When the NU Foundation wants to raise money that might have a LEAD component, I am not in any way concerned about that – it is great if that happens as well. I see the benefits of LEAD being a very important part of NU. We all benefit when additional support for an important program is gained.” This allowed Terry and the NALC Board to lay the groundwork and step up fundraising efforts geared at long-term financial sustainability.
As Chancellor, Ronnie continued to show his support for LEAD by attending LEAD Banquets and during the last two years, hosted both the LEAD 39 and 40 classes on the City Campus during the December seminar.
Chancellor Green, as a small token of our appreciation for all that you have done for the Nebraska LEAD Program, and especially for allowing LEAD to dream big, it is my pleasure to honor you as the “2023 Dr. Allen G. Blezek Friend of LEAD Award” recipient.
– Presented by Nancy Eberle