When defining examples of successful leaders in Nebraska and in the agricultural industry, Anne Meis is top-of-mind. Anne is a graduate of Nebraska LEAD Class 33 and has employed her leadership skills to the fullest from the Meis Farms operation near Elgin, Nebraska. There she plays an active role in the family farming operation that raises corn, soybeans, alfalfa and feeder cattle.
Since graduating from the Nebraska LEAD Program, Anne has become a true advocate for the agricultural industry. Her exemplary work ethic, character and professionalism all positively contribute to her skill profile. This is visible through Anne’s service on the Nebraska Soybean Board representing District 1 and serving as Board Secretary. She is an active social media advocate for production agriculture, where she focuses on consumer education and agricultural literacy. Anne has a unique ability to capture immediate trust with her audience, which is generated from her authentic style and real-life, hands-on experiences. I invite you to look at her Facebook profile, KRVN news features, or the local Antelope County newspaper for immediate proof of her community and industry contributions.
Since I have known Anne, she has always placed others before herself. Her community service record includes active roles in supporting the Cedar Creek 4-H Club, the Elgin FFA Chapter, St. Boniface Catholic Church, the Elgin Centennial Committee, and the Nebraska Farm Bureau. She was honored in 2016 as the Nebraska AG-ceptional Woman of the Year at the 8th Annual AG-ceptional Women in Agriculture Conference at Northeast Community College.
Anne Meis in an individual that exemplifies and embodies the Nebraska LEAD Alumni Association spirit and mission. It is without reservation that I nominate Anne for the Outstanding LEAD Alumni Award. Thank you for your consideration of this nominee, as I believe she has and will continue to represent the Nebraska LEAD Alumni Association at the highest level.